People who know me know I'm not the sort of person who goes out and spends a
lot of money -- any, really -- on "beauty products." So they may be surprised
to hear that I just bought over $40 on such items, plus $20 on a book on the
Some background: Jacqueline, that random woman whose blog I read ;)
recently posted a fairly controversial entry basically telling the many
men who email her hoping to hook up that she is too "high-quality" for them,
and that they should aim a little lower if they hope to get dates. I identify
with Jacqueline in some ways (am young, educated, intelligent, independent, and
interested in sci-fi and libertarianism), am working to be more similar in
others (am watching what I eat, starting to lose weight, getting my "financial
shit together," as she says :P
), and would like to be more like her in the
remaining ways (travel extensively, have cash inflow independent of physical
location, volunteer, be more fit -- not just un-overweight, and be more
What's interesting about Jacqueline is that she says that, during college, she
was overweight and dressed like a frumpy geek. Gee, I don't know anyone who
might fit such a description... But then she decided she'd rather be attractive
than frumpy, did some research, and gave herself a makeover. As you can see
from her blog photo, she's not exactly a mud fence.
So, uh, a "friend" of mine -- not me, no siree, a "friend," yeah -- emailed
Jacqueline and asked for advice or book recommendations, should
I my friend want follow in her footsteps. Amazingly, Jacqueline
responded the next day, despite being swamped by new traffic from her
aforementioned controversial post. Among other things, she recommended The
Beauty Bible by Paula Begoun and The Seduction Mystique by Ginie
So I went to Borders and read/skimmed through half the book, culling what
information I needed to start on getting rid of blemishes. (The makeup part
will come after that.) The "Plan A" attack is the basic, over-the-counter
line-up of products, the first thing to try. Hopefully I won't have to resort
to Plan B or further down the list. I'd rather not get into prescription
What I like about this book is that the author is very vocal about all the crap
marketers try to sell consumers. She also addresses the root causes of zits and
matter-of-factly says that if the products you use don't solve the root causes,
it doesn't matter what you do to the pimples you have now. They form over weeks
(about 3 weeks, she says), so you have to diligently keep up a routine for at
least that long before you can reasonably expect to see results.
The first and obvious step is cleansing. "Irritation is bad, mkay?" says the
author (although perhaps not quite in those words). Thus, she recommends
staying away from anything scented (fragrances are apparently irritating) and
using "gentle" cleansers that are liquid. Liquid in particular, because the
chemicals that make products solid at room temperature tend to clog pores and
just induce more breakouts in people already prone to them.
Apparently there is also bacteria involved with breakouts, which I didn't know
about. So step two is disinfecting, with the popular over-the-counter solution
being benzoyl peroxide. So I got some of that stuff, too.
Third, an exfoliator to help slough off dead skin cells so they won't go
falling into your oily pores and gumming up the works. Bastards. (The author
didn't phrase things quite that way, either, but I'm sure that's what she was
thinking.) There are many active ingredients that perform this function, but
the author recommends salicylic acid (BHA). This also acts as an
anti-inflammatory agent, which helps negate the irritation inherent in
Each of these steps is to be done in the morning and evening (although if the
skin feels noticably dry or tight, you're supposed to cut back on the
frequency). Additionally, the author suggests using a "facial mask" only in the
evening to absorb excess oil in the skin. I had no idea what milk of
magnesia was -- it's a laxative when ingested, but it's also used a facial
mask. Weird, but whatever. At least it was the cheapest item, being the only
one not in the beauty aisle.
As for why I'm suddenly interested in all this... It's not to attract new men
(though unsolicited compliments from strangers is always nice). I have a
boyfriend and am perfectly happy, thankyouverymuch. It's more about realizing
that I'm 22 and still dress the same as when I was 12. I look around at adult
women and I don't feel like I'm a "real" adult myself. I want my checklist of
qualities to be as strong as Jacqueline's. I believe I'm capable in bettering
myself in just about any area I put my mind to, so why not tackle being fit,
healthy, and attractive? Nothing wrong with that.
So that's the latest craziness going on over here. Geeks in skirts, eyeing the
makeup aisle. What's the world coming to?
Categories: books, beauty, skin
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