Twenty-six is my favorite number. It's also, incidentally, my new age. :) my cowowrkers bought lunch for me, my friends bought me drinks (and delicious cupcakes), my best friend called me, and my parents got me a "Meh" T-shirt. All in all, a very pleasant birthday. :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Posted by
Arthaey Angosii
11:21 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Spanish Dreams
Last night, I dreamed in Spanish. That happens once every two or three months (or so). When I wake from a Spanish dream, I still think in Spanish. For example, I continued speaking in Spanish to my cats when I gave them breakfast this morning. :)
What I don't understand about my dream is this: How is it possible that the Spanish speakers speak Spanish I don't understand well, when what they're saying is from my own mind?? But it's true — sometimes in my dream, I had to ask them to repeat what they said. Very strange.
Oh, Mr. Subjunctive! I need to check my notes about you. :P
Anoche, soñé en español. Eso ocurre una vez cada dos o tres meses (o algo así). Cuando me despierto de un sueño españól, sigo pensando en español. Por ejemplo, voy hablando con mis gatas en español cuando las di su desayuno esta manañá. :)
Lo que no entiendo de mi sueño es esto: ¿Cómo es posible que los hispanohablantes hablen español que yo no entienda bien, cuando lo que dicen es de mi propio mente?? Pero es verdad — algunas veces en mi sueño, tuve que pedir que ellos repitieran lo que dijeron. Muy extraño.
Ay, señor Subjuntivo! Necesito revisar mis notas sobre ti. :P
Posted by
Arthaey Angosii
12:03 PM
Categories: Spanish
Friday, December 4, 2009
First Day of Work, Again (Israesisat a Lhi)
(Backdated post...)
I worked my first day. I had no company computer. Even so, I am happy. Will they be my friends?
Zame a kesath a ir rae ateilh. Ekamioter mozreshata one uan ateilh. Lhikei zrazo atei. Amaizorei isemei ia aikeish?
- I worked my first day.
- Zame a kesath a ir rae ateilh.
- work that day that one at I-did
- I had no company computer.
- Ekamioter mozreshata one uan ateilh.
- computer of-company have not I-did
- Even so, I am happy.
- Lhikei zrazo atei.
- am-happy even-so I
- Will they be my friends?
- Amaizorei isemei ia aikeish?
- my-friends become yes/no they
Words like this were coined for this entry; words like this demonstrate new grammar needed for this entry. See my website for more information about Lhenazi.
Posted by
Arthaey Angosii
11:03 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Jambool It Is (Israesisat a Ne)
The second company said they're not giving me an offer. I will work for Jambool. I will work soon, tomorrow!
Writing numbered journal entries creates many numbers! One, two... What will the next number be? I will know soon!
Noke zreshatalh a ne zame-anen oan a-one atei. Zamei a Shamol-rae ateish. Zamei a some, a kesath ash shate, ateish!
Kazeme ainisraesisat a trimeta-one teze ox aitrimetan. Ir, ne... Thai-zre sia trimeta ash shate? Ilhei a some ateish!
- The second company said they're not giving me an offer.
- Noke zreshatalh a ne zame-anen oan a-one atei.
- says company-did that two work-giving not that-have me
- I will work for Jambool.
- Zamei a Shamol-rae ateish.
- work that Jambool-at I-will
- I will work soon, tomorrow!
- Zamei a some, a kesath ash shate, ateish!
- work that near, that day that will come, I-will!
- Writing numbered journal entries creates many numbers.
- Kazeme ainisraesisat a trimeta-one teze ox aitrimetan.
- creates journal-pieces that number-has writing many numbers
- One, two...
- Ir, ne...
- What will the next number be?
- Thai-zre sia trimeta ash shate?
- what-is what number that-will come
- I will know soon!
- Ilhei a some ateish!
- know that near I-will
Words like this were coined for this entry; words like this demonstrate new grammar needed for this entry. See my website for more information about Lhenazi.
Posted by
Arthaey Angosii
5:26 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Israesisat a Ir
Zrishelhei a tie-ikath-rae zreshatalh a ne atein. Klhime a iakor-rae ateilh. Lhike Thores na ateilh atezon a oishe. Mazrisi kaixei na Sheri-an ezrolhin Zelata. Tezei a lho-rae atei tie israesisatan.
English Translation:
- I interviewed at a second company this morning.
- Zrishelhei a tie-ikath-rae zreshatalh a ne atein.
- interview that this-morning-at company-did that is-second me
- I read at a cafe.
- Klhime a iakor-rae ateilh.
- read that café-at I-did
- Forrest and I ate a tasty dinner.
- Lhike Thores na ateilh atezon a oishe.
- eat Forrest and I-did dinner that is-tasty
- We played a Zelda game with Jerry.
- Mazrisi kaixei na Sheri-an ezrolhin Zelata.
- play we and Jerry-did game Zelda
- I am writing this journal entry now.
- Tezei a lho-rae atei tie israesisatan.
- write that now-at I this journal-piece
Words like this were coined for this entry; words like this demonstrate new grammar needed for this entry.
Posted by
Arthaey Angosii
11:59 PM
Categories: Daily Stuff, Lhenazi
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