Saturday, October 22, 2011

Our Married Names Are Official!

After much angst and gnashing of teeth and railing against all existing married-name-options1, I decided at some point during our long engagement what my married name would be. We agreed on taking my maiden name as a second last name and his last name as our shared family name. As of today, the Social Security office knows about our new names!

It's all downhill smooth sailing, with updating our names at horrible friendly places such as the DMV, banks, the credit card companies, and the passport peoples.

  1. If you're dealing with what to do about your married name, I highly recommend reading the posts on the subject over at A Practical Wedding. And if you don't quite get why there should be angst and gnashing and railing, then I super duper highly recommend reading the posts on the subject over at A Practical Wedding.