Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Answering the Phone

Aló, en'llavpeni ne ve adáshavon done ifoni vedá'asha ille vek'nes bichún kek. Chenil:

— Jhor'aerdhilsa t'aet.
— Kre, jhor'en i t'Arthei.
— Zeijha, jhi jhor'Arthei. Vo na no?

Daedh jhorjo'sarith niyen t'sshak jhor'aerdhilsa. Daedh sshak aerdhilsa.

Kal adáshav ne ifoni ne sshak jhurla hello ... <translation-laziness struck here>

Or, in English:

So I learned how to answer a phone in Asha'ille this morning. For example: /

— You are a stranger.
— No, I am Arthaey.
— Ah, yes, so you are Arthaey. What's up?

That first line could also be Jhor'aerdhilsa, or even just Aerdhilsa.

You can't answer the phone with jhurla hello, since in Asha'ille that only works when greeting someone you know. Jhurilla welcome also doesn't work — although perhaps your answering machine could welcome a caller, if you view the machine as more of a location than an entity.

Bía Sharídim

bichún [bi'tSun] morning. from bí'a, chuna.

fon [fon] phone. from phone (contributed by Aaron St. Ferret.

jhorjo ['Zor\dZo] could be. from –j–, jhor.

kal [kAl] not allowed, by convention (not a person). from *k.

niyen ['nijEn] line (of writing).