Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Loft: My Hangout Space

So Forrest is planning to take over the second bedroom as a workshop area for his hobbies. My personal hobby and quiet-hangout space is the loft, in the master bedroom. This is the only room in the house with a propane heater. I'm always cold, so this whole "heat rises" thing is great!

I spent tonight hauling stuff up to the loft to set it up, with Forrest's help for everything but the wire cubies (which he hates and will have nothing to do with ;)). After a little bit of rearranging things, I think I have something I'm happy with. Click on this photo and that photo to see some Flickr notes on the stuff in them.

I'm thinking I'll spent time up there reading and writing. Crafting is also possible, although I don't really want to carry too much stuff up and down the loft's ladder.

What's funny is that I'm slightly scared of heights, and I'm not at all a fan of the loft ladder. As a kid, I happily let my younger sister have the top bunk, because I didn't want to have to come down the ladder every day. But as I go up and down from the loft more, I think I'm (slowly) getting over it. At least a little. Enough that I think this whole loft thing will work out, anyway. :)

Still to do:

  • bring up books!
  • hang tapetes on the wall
  • add a plant or two
  • buy writing desk & chair
  • buy electric tea kettle?

I measured the loft's dimensions, so I'll know what size desk (or anything else) will or won't fit up there.