Thursday, May 20, 2004


Pas emaelivleni mlen'i ejh ne ssha imadh'illevimadhnilimadhejh imadh sshak. Jho... [explanation]

Or, in English:

My boyfriend wrote to me, "Cheesily the cheese — the cheese and I — love you and the (other) cheese." Yes...

Bía Sharídim

Imácata [i'mAcAtA] a region of Cresaea. from imadh, catán

Imácatash [i'mAcAtAS] the dialect of Asha'ille spoken in Imácata. from Imácata, shav

jho [Zo] yes..., right.... from jhi

Grammar note: Apparently he speaks a dialect of Asha'ille (let's call it Imácatash) that allows dropping the ve. He also uses nouns (strictly speaking, narídim) as conjugations. How very interesting. ;)