Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Better Colors

Vik'jheruvpeni ne ánisim e'kath gir'shanolel riga'ai oya no alunsa pas arevecoleni damilsha. Jhor'uyan t'dogír, t'ves mmelnev sevena n'o kes. (Pas dotrésharivteni ne nase'mmavon kegha "mmelnev no n'o," ve'dida vo e'kath "ghishovni ne kegharn " so'Google. Zeijha, daed nom. Kájeyal.) Chenil, llavni ne kénillevejhim jun Giynlith t'Iyimadhi ne nes lomael e'kath kedotreth; choteir kashivtejhim ne bia vajhír. [explanation]

Or, in English:

I've fixed up the colors to something prettier than the pea green thing the template gave me. Blue is the best, and purple plays nicely with it. ("Plays nicely with" is a mean idiom to have to translate, like Google's "I'm feeling lucky." Ah, two of them. Even better.) Now, I realize that only Giynlith and the Cheesemeister saw this blog in its ugliness; I hope they appreciate its newfound splendor.

Bia Sharídim

ai'oya [ei'oj@] a tall, thin, wavy plant found in the southern savanna that is extremely poisonous and has a characteristic green hue; unpleasant green

ánisi ['AnIsi] color. from ANSI

chenil ['tSEnIl] see, look (interj.). from cha'énillev

damilsha [dA'mIlS@] generic pattern (esp. of shalnenim), template. from das, ml'shaln

dida [didA] similar

dogír [do'gir] best, most. from do, gir

ghishóv [xI'Sov] to hunt. from Hishn

imadh ['ImAD] cheese. from Tim

jheruv [ZE'ruv] to improve, to fix. from *jh, rúriv

kedotreth [kE'dotrET] unyielding, unaccomodating; ugly. from kre, dotrev

kájeyal ['kAdZejAl] sarcastic wonderful

kegha ['kexA] difficult, uncooperative. from Kegharn

ketate [kE'tAtE] a short, thorned, gray plant found in the eastern savanna

mmelnev [m@_X'mElnEv] to tug, stretch, alter (esp. of shalnenim). from mmav, shalnen

nase'mmav ["nAsEm@_X'mAv] to be an idiom. from mmav. eg, Nase'mmav sharídim egik "mmelnev no n'o,", The phrase "to stretch something" is an idiom."

riga ['rig@] than, compared to the gir. from gir

sevena [sE'vEn@] purple-maroon. from seven

shanolel [SA'nolEl] pretty, visually pleasing

vajhír [vA'ZIr] splendor, beauty. from vastille, *jh, gir

zeijha ['zeZ@] ah, good (interj.). from *jh