What I had to say
- Dear Java: Would love foo(int... args) & foo(double... args) to overload as expected. Or to have a yield keyword. Either would do. --Arthaey [ 4:17 PM]
Conversations I participated in
- @I said: @NomadOfNorad I missed you on #conlang asking for "a program that lets you insert the invented words into a database" -- http://t.co/cUT9HsK [ 6:37 AM]
- @bernard_ben said: @arthaey @giynlith didn't like the writing style, sounds like I should give it a second chance [ 2:56 PM]
- @I said: @bernard_ben My primary complaint is not enough (read: no) romantic interest for Tarrant. ;) @giynlith #amirite? :P [ 2:59 PM]
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