What I had to say
- Wrote 7 sentences for #LoCoWriMo before calling it a night. But that's 13 new words and 2 new grammar points, so it's still a success! [ 1:51 AM]
- For how much I love computerizing things, I still do my #conlang translations (and original writing!) by hand. Feels more creative that way. [ 1:53 AM]
- First contribution to an open source project! Support for custom CSS classes for Rails table_builder's calendar dates: http://t.co/ZnRIBam [12:45 PM]
- ME: I need to plug in my laptop. Let me just grab the power cord from my backpack... CAT: http://t.co/I8LGyFT #mycatisridiculous [12:52 PM]
Conversations I participated in
- @giynlith said: Name-creation is always the worst part of #amwriting for me, especially when it's SFF and not "normal" names. [ 9:54 AM]
- @I said: @giynlith For me, it's *easier* to make up SFF names. Not nearly the same amount of baggage! #amwriting [10:06 AM]
- @einsteinonbeach said: LoCoWriMo Is Coming Up - …and I'm participating in it this year. Probably I'll post up a few samples from... http://tumblr.com/xts39brkhl [ 2:18 PM]
- @I said: @einsteinonbeach Great to have you doing #LoCoWriMo! Are you on the #conlang IRC channel under a different nick? If not,join us on Freenode! [10:06 AM]
- @giynlith said: Just heard about #Julnowrimo. May modify it to be "write 50k words of prose, so long as I write." Yay short stories! cc @digitalinkwell [ 5:36 PM]
- @I said: @giynlith Wootles! #amwriting #LoCoWriMo [ 5:50 PM]
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