Sunday, March 7, 2004

Just Read! Lesson 01

UniLang Wiki. Jhor'eyen lle t:

Jhor'Jan t'vae saea.
Jhor'aerdhisa t'chi.
Jhor'no t'enire.
Jhor'no t'chi t'enire.
Jhor'Meri t'vae kasaea.
Daedh jhor'aerdhisa t'chi.
Jhor'no t'kr enire.
Jhor'no t'yimóth.
Jhor'no t'vastille.

Énillev Jan ne ejhejh.
Kr'énillev Meri ne ejhejh.
Énillev Meri ne shola.
Daedh énillev ne migrá.
Énillev ne shola t'migrá.

Jhor'Jan t'chi sarn.
Jhor'Meri t'chi san.
Jhor'Jan t'chi sarn, t'ves jhor'Meri t'chi san.
Jhor'aerdhisa ar t'enire, kret'jhor aerdhisa ah t'yimóth.

Jhor'Jan t'iyen lli.
Daedh jhor'Meri t'iyen lli.
Jhor'Jan Meri t'iyen llim.
Jhor'aerdhisom t'iyen llim.

Jhor'aerdhisom t'chi.
Jhor'Jan t'vae sae, kret'jhor Meri t'vae kasaea.
Kor'aerdhisa ar t'vae kasaea, t'ves jhor'no t'vae saea.
Kor'aerdhisa ah t'vae saea, t'ves jhor'no t'vae kasaea.
Kr'énillev Jan ne migrá, kret'jhi vo Meri.
Kr'énillev Meri ne ejhejh, kret'jhi vo Jan.
Énillev Jan ne ejhejh, kret'vo Meri ne migrá.
Jhor'Jan Meri t'illem.
Jhor'aerdhisom t'illem.

Or, in English:

Over at the UniLang Wiki, I'm starting to contribute with Asha'ille. Probably no one will read it, but oh well. The lesson reads:

John is here.
He is young.
He is short.
He is young and short.
Mary is there.
Mary is also young.
She is not short.
She is tall.
She is beautiful.

John is happy.
Mary is not happy.
Mary is sad.
She is also angry.
She is sad and angry.

John is a boy.
Mary is a girl.
John is a boy and Mary is a girl.
He is short, but she is tall.

John is a student.
Mary is also a student.
John and Mary are students.
They are students.

They are young.
John is here, but Mary is there.
He is not there; he is here.
She is not here; she is there.
John is not angry, but Mary is.
Mary is not happy, but John is.
John is happy, but Mary is angry.
John and Mary are friends.
They are friends.

Bía Sharídim

enire [E'nir\E] short (in height). from Catherine

eyen'lle [E,jEnl@_X'lE] lesson. from e—e, en'llav

iyen'lli [I,jEnl@_X'lI] learner, student. from i—i, en'llav

kasaea [kA'se@] there (close by). from kr, saea

nir [nir\] . backformation from enire

yimóth [jI'mOT] tall (in height). from Timothy