Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Seriously, Linux? I can't set an arbitrary image as my screensaver? Really? [ 5:28 PM]

Conversations I participated in


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

Conversations I participated in


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Today's Tweets

Conversations I participated in


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Today is a wedding-planning day. We may have found our ceremony location! Now I'm burying myself in wedding & honeymoon-roadtrip books. :) [ 5:27 PM]
  • According to "the groom will be about as much use as a chocolate teapot" by the time the ceremony's about to start. ;) [ 6:56 PM]
  • Am I allowed to get married if I'm still giggling over these "STD cards" we're supposed to give out? #iamtwelve [ 7:31 PM]
  • #didyouknow it's not possible to have a legally binding *outdoor* wedding ceremony in England or Wales? How weird. [ 9:34 PM]

Conversations I participated in


Friday, March 25, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • .@marriagedotcom fiancé @mcpusc and I live like 400' from the San Andreas fault. Is our marriage doomed? ;) [ 3:08 PM]
  • Awesome: Just found a delicious, cheap Chinese restaurant. Suck: Said restaurant is closing at the end of the month. :( :( [ 8:26 PM]

Conversations I participated in

What I found interesting or amusing


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Finally starting to play Heavy Rain. First task accomplished: folded origami. Cool way to make installation less boring. [11:52 PM]

Conversations I participated in

What I found interesting or amusing


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Voy a enseñar inglés a una mujer que trabaja como portera de Google. Estoy entusiasmada! Pero nunca he enseñado... ¿Consejos? #flteach #es [ 7:16 PM]
  • Ugh, I hate it when napping leaves me groggier than before. :/ [ 9:28 PM]
  • Holy shit, this badass Soviet dude removed his own appendix. With no other medical staff. In Antarctica. While vomiting. [11:47 PM]

Conversations I participated in

What I found interesting or amusing


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today's Tweets

Conversations I participated in


Monday, March 21, 2011

Today's Tweets

Conversations I participated in


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • That's a LOT of rain coming down out there. And here I thought SoCal was always sunny... [10:48 AM]
  • Just heard a real Emergency Boroadcast System announcement on the radio. 60 mph winds & flooding warnings, right where we're staying. Damn. [ 3:14 PM]

Conversations I participated in

  • @herrtarte said: Hallo deutsche Freunde...ich hoffe, dass Sie etwas NICHT im Haus heute machen, weil das Wetter so schön ist! Tschüß bis morgen! [ 3:01 PM]
  • @I said: @herrtarte Hier nicht! Ich bin in Los Angeles USA, wo dort jetzt ein sehr groß Unwetter ist. #deutschlernen #de [ 3:30 PM]


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Does CA recognize non-officiant/self-uniting/self-solomnizing/Quaker marriages? Can we be deputized and marry ourselves? .gov not helping. [ 1:41 AM]


Friday, March 18, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • In SLO, first time in years. Feels like a returning, but not a coming home. [12:55 PM]
  • The fuck?!? In Calabasas, CA, a curfew requires all minors to be accompanied by an adult after 10 PM. They all have to leave B&N now. [10:15 PM]

Conversations I participated in


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Hey! Damn you, internet-on-my-phone! You made me peddle an extra 15 min on the stationary bike 'cause I wasn't done reading everything yet! [ 6:24 PM]
  • Looks like there's been a small (~12 people infected) outbreak of #AH1N1 in Venezuela, so that's why it's trending. [10:07 PM]
  • You know why I love the gym today? Because it means I can eat ALL THE FUDGE. #omnomnom [11:35 PM]
  • And STILL be 100 calories under "budget" for losing a pound a week. Exercise rocks! [11:39 PM]
  • Apparently German verbs haben, sein, werden, können, kommen, suchen, & empfehlen cover all verb patterns? Good to know. #deutschlernen [11:43 PM]
  • Memorize all 90 pages of grammar in & I'll be a German speaker. Compact book! Includes extra vocab pages. #deutschlernen [11:57 PM]

Conversations I participated in


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Studying Spanish & German at the Same Time


Desde un mes y poco he sabido de la Deutsche Welle hace un mes, un sitio buenísimo para estudiantes de alemán. Escuchaba a sus lecciones de podcast cuando caminaba.

Pero hoy, descubrí por Twitter que también existen estas lecciones en español! Ahora puedo practicar mi español y alemán ¡a la misma vez! Perdóname, estoy un poco entusiasmada. ;)


For a month or so I've known about Deutsche Welle, an excellent site for students learning German. I listened to their podcast lesons while walking.

But today, I discovered via Twitter that these lessons exist in Spanish! Now I can practice my Spanish and German at the same time! Forgive me, I'm a little excited. ;)


Seit einem Monat habe ich von Seite Deutsche Welle, eine sehr gute Seite für Deutschstudenten, wissen. Ich habe zu seine Unterrichtsstunden an gehören, wann habe ich zu Fuß gehen.

Aber heute habe ich heute durch Twitter entdecken, dass diese Unterrichtsstunden auch auf Spanisch existieren! Jetzt kann ich kann mein Spanish und Deutsch gleichzeitig praktizieren! Verzeihung, aber ich bin ganz aufgeregt. ;)

Von Boroness korrigiert.


Same as above; not an abbreviated version! Go deutschlernen progress! :P

Update, March 17th: Omfg, that was a lot of correction on those two short German paragraphs! Welp, I won't learn until I get through with making my mistakes, right? I'm not quite sure when to use "haben + inf. verb" vs the true Präteritum, which is what several of the errors were. I also learned two new useful verbs: sich anhören (instead of hören) and üben (instead of praktiziern or lernen).


Today's Tweets

What I had to say

Conversations I participated in


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

Conversations I participated in


Monday, March 14, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Unexpected discovery: my loft has singing-in-the-shower-like acoustics. Beware! [11:28 PM]

Conversations I participated in




Al fin de nuestra cena en el restaurante oaxaqueño, Forrest se dio cuenta de una fruta un poco rara. Parecía como una sandía, pero a él le encantan las sandías y estaba seguro de que esa fruta no era sandía.

Pregunté a la dueña/empleada/no-sé-qué, "¿Qué tipo de fruta es esa?" Y ella me contestó que era una chilacayote, un tipo de zapallo (¿el mismo que calabaza o no? no sé). Se crecen por su pulpa, que se usan para preparar piloncillo.

Creo que Forrest quiere crecen esta fruta ahora. ;)

Corregido por ashushada


At the end of our dinner at the Oaxacan restaurant, Forrest noticed a somewhat strange fruit. It looked like a watermelon, but he loves watermelon and was sure that the fruit was not watermelon.

I asked the owner/employee/I-don't-know-what, "What kind of fruit is that?" And she said it was a chilacayote, a type of squash. They are grown for their pulp, which is used to make piloncillo.

I think Forrest wants to grow this fruit now. ;)


Nach dem Abendessen, hat Forrest hat eine sonderbare grüne Frucht gesehen. Ich fragte der Frau, „Was ist diese Frucht?” Und sie antwortet mir, daß das ein Feigenblatt-Kürbis ist (chilacayote auf Spanisch). Man macht Zucker von sie. Ich glaube, daß Forrest diese Frucht jetzt woll züchten.

Von Ania und Ka§tell korrigiert


After dinner, Forrest saw a strange green fruit. I asked the woman, "What is this fruit?" And she replied that is a fig-leaf gourd (chilacayote in Spanish). They make sugar from them. I think that Forrest wants to grow this fruit now.


Sudden German Comprehension

I follow this German blog, Schlaflos in München. When I first subscribed, I had just started learning German and the blog's name meant nothing to me. "Stories in Munich," I figured, and didn't really think about it any more.

Then tonight, internetting in a Starbucks while Forrest does some brewing equipment research, the meaning suddenly hit me. It was actually startling; I exclaimed "Oh!" and Forrest looked up to ask what was wrong. :P

The first half of the word comes from schlafen, "to sleep," and I recognize the second half of the word from kostenlos, "free" (literally "cost-less"). Thus, "Schlaflos in Münich" means "Sleepless in Munich"! I love it when things come together like that.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mole Delicioso


Forrest y yo fuimos a un nuevo restaurante esta noche: Juquilita Restaurante Oaxaqueño. Te lo digo, ¡Fue riquísimo! Al padre de Forrest le gusta el mole, así que vamos a presentarle a este restaurante.

No parece nada especial: está en una pequeña plaza comercial, y no vimos su letrero y nos lo pasabamos la primera vez. No había nadie adentro, excepto los empleados, quienes eran una mujer y un niño de unos 10 años de edad. El niño venía para tomar nuestros pedidos, y suponemos que la mujer no hablaba bien el inglés. Creo que le confundimos un poco cuando le hablamos en español (porque yo quería practicarlo) ;).

Pedí el pollo con mole negro, que me encanta. Forrest pedió el mole amarillo. Pero entonces la mujer vino por delante y nos dijo (en español — supongo que el niño le dijo que estábamos hablando, o tratando de hablar, al menos, en español) que se acabó el mole amarillo. Ella podría hacer más, pero tardaría 15 o 20 minutos más que normal. Forrest cambió su pedido al mole verde, porque escogió el amarillo sólo por su color. :P

Aunque cambió el pedido, pasaba mucho tiempo hasta que nos trajo la comida. Pero, ¡cuando la llegó! Qué deliciosa y rica era. La próxima vez que Forrest tiene ganas de comer comida mexicana, vamos a volver a este restaurante. No es tan elegante como La Carta de Oaxaca en Seattle, pero creo que es tan sabroso.

Corregido por ashushada en Lang-8.


Forrest and I went to a new restaurant tonight: Juquilita Restaurant Oaxaca. Man, it was delicious! Forrest's dad likes mole, so we're going to introduce him to this restaurant.

It doesn't seems like anything special: it's in a small strip mall, and we didn't see its sign and we missed it the first time. There was nobody inside, except employees, who were a woman and a boy about 10 years old. The boy came to take our orders, and we assumed that the woman did not speak English well. I think I confused him a little when we spoke to him in Spanish (because I want to practice) ;).

I ordered the chicken with mole negro, which I love. Forrest ordered the mole amarillo. But then the woman came out and told us (in Spanish — I guess the boy told him we were talking, or trying to talk, at least, in Spanish) that the mole amarillo was out. She could make more, but it would take 15 or 20 minutes longer than usual. Forrest changed his order to the mole verde, since he chose the yellow only by its color. :P

Although we changed our order, it took a while before the food came out. But when it arrived! What delicious, rich food. The next time Forrest feels like eating Mexican food, we're coming back to this restaurant. It may no be as elegant as La Carta de Oaxaca in Seattle, but I think it's just as tasty.


Forrest und ich haben heute Abend zu ein mexikanisches Restaurant gegangen. Eine Frau und ein Junge arbeiteten dort. Wir bestellten schwarze und grüne Moles. Sie waren sehr leckere. Wir haben vor, dorthin zu zurückzugehen.

Von Rhenania korrigiert.


Forrest and I went to a Mexican restaurant tonight. A woman and a boy worked there. We ordered black and green moles. The were very tasty. We intend to go back there.


Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • .@epicbaker Seriously. I woke feeling like it was a decent time, only to discover I'd slept in until 10:45. Not cool, Time. [11:31 AM]


Friday, March 11, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

  • Eep, some bird is stealing insulation through a hole under the eaves of our house! [11:48 AM]

Conversations I participated in


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today's Tweets

What I had to say

Conversations I participated in


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Loft: My Hangout Space

So Forrest is planning to take over the second bedroom as a workshop area for his hobbies. My personal hobby and quiet-hangout space is the loft, in the master bedroom. This is the only room in the house with a propane heater. I'm always cold, so this whole "heat rises" thing is great!

I spent tonight hauling stuff up to the loft to set it up, with Forrest's help for everything but the wire cubies (which he hates and will have nothing to do with ;)). After a little bit of rearranging things, I think I have something I'm happy with. Click on this photo and that photo to see some Flickr notes on the stuff in them.

I'm thinking I'll spent time up there reading and writing. Crafting is also possible, although I don't really want to carry too much stuff up and down the loft's ladder.

What's funny is that I'm slightly scared of heights, and I'm not at all a fan of the loft ladder. As a kid, I happily let my younger sister have the top bunk, because I didn't want to have to come down the ladder every day. But as I go up and down from the loft more, I think I'm (slowly) getting over it. At least a little. Enough that I think this whole loft thing will work out, anyway. :)

Still to do:

  • bring up books!
  • hang tapetes on the wall
  • add a plant or two
  • buy writing desk & chair
  • buy electric tea kettle?

I measured the loft's dimensions, so I'll know what size desk (or anything else) will or won't fit up there.