Saturday, January 2, 2010

Writing in Non-English First


You guys* know that when I write these bilingual entries, I write in the non-English language first, right? I just wanted to tell you that. :)


Saben ustedes que cuando escribo estas entradas bilingües, escribo en la lenguaje no-inglés primero, ¿no? Sólo quise decirselo. :)

* Amusing coincidence that the plural-you in English that I use, "you guys," sounds pretty informal. But the Spanish translation, "ustedes," is technically a polite/formal pronoun. Of course it's understood in context, but it still amuses me.


Jupiter Family said...
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John Cowan said...

Ustedes is not marked for formality in the Western Hemisphere (or the Canary Islands, either); it is the only and invariable plural of tu, vos, and Usted.